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something doggy

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Worry Free! Subscribe and enjoy FREE delivery of 30 packs right to your door every 30days! 省却麻烦,享受每个月30包免邮送抵您家门口

Regular price RM380.10 MYR
Regular price RM380.10 MYR Sale price RM380.10 MYR
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Probiotics, the friendly bacteria that live in doggy's gut, known for boosting digestion and the immune system, contributing to a happier, healthier dog. They need fuel, this is where Somethingdoggy's is unique, for it has the superfood that probiotics need; the prebiotics!

Studies have uncovered a startling statistic – 6 out of 10 dogs might face the threat of cancer. However, here's the good news: Dogs indulging in our prebiotics-rich wet food enjoy a remarkable 90% reduction in this risk!



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